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Suggestion: Name convention standards

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Hi everyone,

What you did is great at collecting this huge number of live webcams.

When using the maps, it is very user-friendly how people can find the webcams.

But for the names, I have a suggestion to standardize the webcams. As I look at Turkey webcams, it is hard to find in cities. Each webcam has a different naming convention. 

Suggested naming convention: {Administrative region name} - {Subdivision of the region} - {Detail}

For the administrative part, the following standards could be adapted.

ISO 3166-2 Subdivisions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2

UN/LOCODE: https://unece.org/trade/cefact/unlocode-code-list-country-and-territory

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for your suggestion. Turkey cameras have been divided into regions, which should make it easier to search for cameras. Ultimately, this solution will be implemented in the set of cameras from each country.

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